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Immortalize your private parts with a penis cast

Clone-a-Willy has invented a unique concept that is as fun as it is useful: exact silicone copies of existing penises with a vibrator function. In this way, you can always have a part of your partner with you regardless of where in the world the other is and the concept is a rarely appreciated humorous gift with a great surprise effect.

From the same manufacturer also comes Clone-a-Pussy – which is of course exactly what it sounds like: a corresponding method for the female anatomy – as well as several other products such as penis rings and penis pumps.

€30,95 €24,76
For the well-equipped or the one that want to make another cast of your penis.
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€57,95 €49,26
Clone-A-Willy Cast, pink
Clone your penis and create your own realistic vibrating pink dildo.
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€66,95 €52,89
Clone-A-Willy Glow in the Dark, blue
Complete kit, allows you to shape your own dildo. Perfect gift for someone special.
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€57,95 €49,26
Clone-A-Willy Penis-cast, purple
Kit that allows you to shape your own dildo in neon purple color. Perfect as a gift.
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