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Sex Swings

With a sex swing you get the opportunity to make your sex life a little more kinky, get the right rhythm during penetration and explore many new sex positions and positions. Sex swings are clearly a great way to take pleasure to new heights!

Sex swings are available in many different variants – both simple and more advanced. Some you screw into the ceiling, while others are simply set up in any doorway.

There are several different ways to use the swings and it is only your own imagination that sets the limits!

€224,95 €134,97
Fetish Fantasy Series Fantasy Bondage Swing
Adjustable sex swing with hand- and foot-shackles. Perfect for BDSM-play.
In stock
€269,95 €197,06
You2Toys Sex Swing
Sex swing in leather with seat/lying surface, soft cushion and loops for arms/legs
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€39,95 €26,37
Ouch! Door Swing
Flexible sex swing that you attach to the door to explore new sex-positions.
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€62,95 €53,51
Fetish Fantasy Series Deluxe Door Swing
A delicious sex swing easy to mount above your doorway.
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€53,95 €35,61
Luxurious sex swing that you attach to the door to explore new sex-positions.
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€179,95 €134,96
Exciting sex swing with padded seat, backrest and leg loops.
Incoming: 2025-01-23
€57,95 €35,35
Fetish Fantasy Series Fantasy Door Swing
The swing that does not require a hook in the ceiling, only a door and you are ready.
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You2Toys Love Swing
Sexswing that is perfect for you who want to comfortably explore new sex-positions.
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€143,95 €125,24
Fetish Fantasy Series Spinning Fantasy Swing
Sex-swing with padded straps that give you the freedom to rotate 360 ​​degrees.
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€125,95 €107,06
Fetish Fantasy Series Fantasy Swing, black
Sex swing that can be hung in the door and ceiling beam.
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Expertpanelen man

The expert panel advises

To use the sex swing, you hang it from the ceiling or the door gable. With different straps and bands, you can hang yourself in the sex swing at many different ways to reach maximum pleasure with your partner.