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Delay Condoms

Condoms with a delaying and numbing effect are optimal for those who want to be able to make love even longer or who want to counteract problems with premature ejaculation. The slightly numbing effect reduces sensitivity without taking away the pleasant feeling so you can indulge in erotic games with your partner and perform at your peak for longer periods.

€20,95 €17,81
Condoms that help delay his ejaculation so you can enjoy longer.
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€17,95 €11,67
Condom with delay lubricant and lovely knobs for both pleasure.
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€33,95 €26,48
Condom that makes your penis less sensitive and delays orgasm.
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Condom that makes your penis less sensitive and delays orgasm.
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€11,95 €7,89
Condoms that makes your penis less sensitive and delays the orgasm.
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Expertpanelen man

The expert panel advises

For maximum effect, delay condoms can be used together with a natural and gentle delay spray.