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  • California Exotic: Spicy Dice
  • California Exotic: Spicy Dice

California Exotic
Spicy Dice

Sku: 15313
Only 1 left in stock

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(4 reviews)
  • Spice up your sexlife
  • Allow the dice to decide
  • Exciting results each time

Customer reviews

Product Description

Spicy Dice - The dice for you who want to spice up your sexlife.

Now it is neither you nor your partner who has the power, the three dice completely decide what you are going to do with each other with an exotic game.

One ice shows whether you should, for example, kiss, lick or caress your partner, while the other dice shows where on your partner's body you perform these sensual touches.

To make it a little more fun and more challenging, you can use the third dice that also decides where you should be, in the car, outdoors or maybe in the bathroom.

You must perform each step for two minutes and you must NOT have sex until both dice show SEX.


Brand: California Exotic
Color: Pink, Purple
Firmness: Hard
Number of players: 2 players